Offering profound Awakenings and Transformational Breakthroughs
With Shuba and Chidambaran (Chi​)

Open your Heart to Love, Mind to Oneness, and Vibration to Light.
Accelerated Awakenings facilitates incredible breakthroughs with Conscious Un-conditioning, Restoring your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual selves.
We help you release old energies and conditioning which may limit you from experiencing the freedom
of good health, love, joy, and peace.
Renewed energetic flow promotes a healthy mind, body, and spirit, leading to positive change.
Awaken your inner strength and innate gifts and abilities.
Find your purpose and live empowered!
Free yourself from the past! The time is now.
Dive in and discover your true essence!

Your Transformational Journey
Begins on the Path of Self Love.
Begin Your Journey Today.
Breakout - Come Play with Us

Reach Out to Us
Let's begin our journey together. WhatsApp ~ Phone ~ Text 1.503.801.4019