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Awakening Your Body Wisdom

     Join Shuba & Chidambaran for a time of Inner Reflection and Transformational Expression!


      This 2-3 hour workshop will help you to experience an inner journey of rediscovery that will re-awaken you to your body’s Inner Wisdom and begin to strengthen your relationship with your Inner Healer!

      You will be exercising inner faculties to reacquaint yourself with the relationship of the body with feelings and emotions, pain and Illness.

       You will also see the energetic relationship of illness to emotional trauma and be given exercises to release yourself from this cycle.


Potential benefits include:

  • Awaken an inner awareness of self and body communication

  • Release stuck energy and emotions in the body

  • Find a deep sense of relaxation and inner peace.

  • Raise your energy level and vitality.


Workshop Testimonials
In my 3rd workshop with Accelerated Awakenings, we used a technique, called Merging, where the intended person was drawn on paper and the energy work was done from a distance. I asked Gary if this works for the selling of a piece of property, and he told me how to approach it, so I did.We had a beach lot that we tried selling for 3 years. Once, it sold on contract but was returned through bankruptcy. Using the techniques I learned at the workshop retreat, I drew the property on paper, grounded myself, and set the intention to release any and all attachments to the lot. I came to find that indeed, I was still emotionally attached to this piece of property. I worked to clear these attachments. Then, with the pencil lead on the paper, I got out of the way and found the pencil continuously circling the area where the water faucet was. I did lots of clearing and moving strokes until I felt the session was complete.Within the week, we received an old dog-eared water bill for the property that had been moved around to several addresses and was coming to us now that was not paid through the bankruptcy. It was months of unpaid water. I worked with the utility company to reduce the fines, and we paid the bill.I picked up my jaw as I felt the connection to the work I had done and went to work on the paper again, this time putting my intention on bringing the perfect people to the lot.By the end of the next week, we received an excellent solid offer on the lot, from a couple who had looked at a lot of lots, with an agent who wasn’t even the Listing Agent and didn’t see one that they wanted more than the one we were selling.We began the closing process the following Monday. Coincidence you might ask? I think not!
Thanks, Gary & Sharon!!!

Alexa Young, CA

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